URNCST Journal Hosted Competition: Information for Hosting Organizations

What are the Terms and Conditions Associated with Making a Submission to the Competition?
The URNCST Journal Hosted Competition is open to any undergraduate or professional-undergraduate organization or association with an interest (atl least, in part) in one or more disciplines in the sciences or technology.
By submitting your abstract to URNCST Journal your organization or association agrees to the following terms and conditions:
○ 1) Our organization or association primarily operates for the benefit of undergraduate or professional-undergraduate level students and we wish to host a competition for undergraduate or professional-undergraduate level students. Furthermore, we will ensure that those participating in your hosted competition will only submit work that is original and has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
○ 2) Our organization or association will recruit our own members to comprise a team of peer-reviewers who will assess the quality of submissions received.
○ 3) By submitting this form, we give the URNCST Journal permission to contact us and our competition's participants via email regarding our submission and occasional updates about opportunities offered by the URNCST Journal or one of its partners.
○ 4) We will ensure that our participants obtain permission from all their co-authors (if any) prior to them submitting their work to an URNCST Journal Hosted Competition. Furthermore, we will make our competition participants aware that, if their work is accepted, it will be published as part of one publication in the URNCST Journal. Furthermore, we will make the authors aware that they and their co-authors have ascertained that the order of authorship has been agreed upon by all authors.
○ 5) We are responsible for paying (or having our participants pay) a one-time, non-refundable submission fee of $20.00 CAD (or the equivalent in your local currency) plus applicable taxes per submission to the URNCST Journal. This cost is inclusive of the publication fee, and no further fees will be charged by the URNCST Journal prior to the publication of the final article.
Ready to Host YOUR Abstract Competition? Please Follow the Steps Below.
Please send an email to competition@urncst.com with the subject line "URNCST Journal Hosted Competition: <Name of Your Organization>". In your email, please include the following information: 1) name of your organization, 2) theme and discipline of your proposed abstract competition, 3) approximate date(s) during which you wish to accept abstracts, and 4) participant eligibility (i.e. just general members, any student at your university, any student in your country, etc.). One of our journal editors will be in touch with you shortly.
If you have any inquiries, you are also welcome to email them to us at the same email address.
Thank you for your interest in hosting a virtual abstract competition in partnership with the URNCST Journal!