
Rvaha Afaan Deepthi Thommandram Aljeena Qureshi Devanshi Desai


The Bench2Bedside Case Competition & Conference is an undergraduate initiative which aims to further undergraduate student understanding of translational research. This initiative prompts students to examine clinical questions through a basic science lens while examining laboratory work from a clinical perspective. It promotes an understanding of how clinical research is conducted, effective ways of communicating cross-disciplinary research findings, how findings are critically evaluated, and productively applied to patient care. Students engage in a two round case competition involving an initial written research proposal stage, followed by an oral presentation stage. The case competition is based on a case study developed in conjunction with an authority in translational research. Experts with a rich understanding of translational research are also involved in judging the case competition, along with workshops conducted during the conference portion of the event. This year’s case study focused on neurocognitive disorder and COVID-19 in an elderly patient. The research proposal abstracts for competition finalists are highlighted in this abstract book. For more information on the competition structure, and conference offerings please visit https://bench2bedside.club/.

Abstract 341 | PDF Downloads 304


Conference Abstract Book